Roldán-Varona P, Ross CA, Rodríguez-Cobo L, López-Higuera JM, Gaughan E, Dhaliwal K, Tanner MG, Thomson RR, Parker HE. Read the article here Abstract Imaging fibers are used to perform real-time fluorescence endomicroscopy, in vivo, in situ, with the goal of...
Humphries DC, O’Connor RA, Stewart HL, Quinn TM, Gaughan EE, Mills B, Williams GOS, Stone JM, Finlayson K, Chabaud-Riou M, Boudet F, Dhaliwal K, Pavot V. Read the article here Abstract Introduction: Pulmonary-resident memory T cells (TRM) and B cells (BRM)...
Ehrlich K, Parker HE, McNicholl DK, Reid P, Reynolds M, Bussiere V, Crawford G, Deighan A, Garrett A, Kufcsák A, Norberg DR, Spennati G, Steele G, Szoor-McElhinney H, Jimenez M. Read the article here Abstract This paper demonstrates how research at the...
Krstajić N, Mills B, Murray I, Marshall A, Norberg D, Craven TH, Emanuel P, Choudhary TR, Williams GOS, Scholefield E, Akram AR, Davie A, Hirani N, Bruce A, Moore A, Bradley M, Dhaliwal K. PubMed Abstract A highly sensitive, modular three-color fluorescence...