Back to Team Katjana Ehrlich Research Associate Email: Katjana is a Research Associate responsible for the development of optical instruments and aiding their translation into clinics. In her current project, she is focussing on developing...
Back to Team Philip Emanuel Info to follow… Email: Info to follow… Publications An Inhaled Galectin-3 Inhibitor in COVID-19 Pneumonitis (DEFINE): A Phase Ib/IIa Randomised Controlled Trial (2022).Gaughan EE, Quinn TM, Mills A, Bruce...
Back to Team Stephanos Yerolatsitis Research Associate Email: Info to follow… Publications Computational Fluorescence Suppression in Shifted Excitation Raman Spectroscopy (2023).Jenkins N, Ehrlich K, Kufcsak A, Yerolatsitis S, Fernandes S,...
Back to Team Susan Fernandes Clinical Research Fellow Email: Susan is a MRC Clinical Research Training Fellow. She graduated with BSc in Pharmacology (2005) and MBChB (2008) from the University of Edinburgh. She works as a Specialist Registrar...