Susan is a MRC Clinical Research Training Fellow. She graduated with BSc in Pharmacology (2005) and MBChB (2008) from the University of Edinburgh. She works as a Specialist Registrar in Respiratory Medicine in Edinburgh. Her PhD project focuses on characterises fibre-based optical imaging/spectroscopic approaches and therapeutic ablation in lung cancer and solitary pulmonary nodules.
Computational Fluorescence Suppression in Shifted Excitation Raman Spectroscopy (2023).
Jenkins N, Ehrlich K, Kufcsak A, Yerolatsitis S, Fernandes S, Young I, Hamilton K, Wood HA, Quinn T, Young V, Akram AR, Stone JM, Thomson RR, Finlayson K, Dhaliwal K, Seth S.
Tri-mode optical biopsy probe with fluorescence endomicroscopy, Raman spectroscopy, and time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy (2022).
Wood HA, Ehrlich K, Yerolatsitis S, Kufcsák A, Quinn TM, Fernandes S, Norberg D, Jenkins NC, Young V, Young I, Hamilton K, Seth S, Akram AR,Thomson RR, Finlayson K, Dhaliwal K, Stone JM.
Deep Learning-Assisted Co-registration of Full-Spectral Autofluorescence Lifetime Microscopic Images with H&E-Stained Histology Images (2022).
Wang Q, Fernandes S, Williams G, Finlayson N, Akram A R, Dhaliwal K, Hopgood J R, Vallejo M
Full spectrum fluorescence lifetime imaging with 0.5 nm spectral and 50 ps temporal resolution (2021)
Williams GOS, Williams E, Finlayson N, Erdogan AT, Wang Q, Fernandes S, Akram AR, Dhaliwal K, Henderson RK, Girkin JM, Bradley M.
Sub millimetre flexible fibre probe for background and fluorescence free Raman spectroscopy (2021).
Yerolatsitis S, Kufcsák A, Ehrlich K, Wood HA, Fernandes S, Quinn T, Young V, Young I, Hamilton K, Akram AR.
Fernandes S, Williams G, Williams E, Ehrlich K, Stone J, Finlayson N, Bradley M, Thomson RR, Akram AR, Dhaliwal K.
Deep Learning in ex-vivo Lung Cancer Discrimination using Fluorescence Lifetime Endomicroscopic Images (2020).
Wang Q, Hopgood JR, Finlayson N, Williams GO, Fernandes S, Williams E, Akram A, Dhaliwal K, Vallejo M.