Emma is the HTAF Operations Manager and has operational oversight of the research and manufacturing facilities as part of the THT Group based in the QMRI. She has extensive research experience, having worked in various research labs within the University over the last 12 years and now combines this with her passion for helping to develop new technologies. She enjoys being able to translate novel research into real world solutions and solving technical challenges.
Emma has oversight of:
- Biology labs (including cell culture, microbiology and ex vivo lung perfusion).
- Chemistry and Optical Physics R&D space.
- Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient Manufacture facility.
- Sterile liquid filling suite.
- Device manufacture facility.
An Inhaled Galectin-3 Inhibitor in COVID-19 Pneumonitis (DEFINE): A Phase Ib/IIa Randomised Controlled Trial (2022).
Gaughan EE, Quinn TM, Mills A, Bruce A M, Antonelli J, Mackinnon A, Aslanis V, Li F, O’connor R, Boz C, Mills R, Emanuel P, Burgess M, Rinaldi G, Valanciute A, Mills B, Scholefield E, Hardisty G, Gwyer Findlay E, Parker R A, Norrie J, Dear JW, Akram AR, Koch O, Templeton K, Dockrell DH, Walsh TS, Partridge S, Humphries D, Wang-Jairaj J, Slack RJ, Schambye H, Phung D, Gravelle L, Lindmark B, Shankar-Hari M, Hirani N, Sethi T, Dhaliwal K.
Randomised Controlled Trial of Intravenous Nafamostat Mesylate in COVID pneumonitis: Phase 1b/2a Experimental Study to Investigate Safety, Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics (2022).
Quinn T, Gaughan E E, Bruce A, Antonelli J, O’Connor R A, Li F, McNamara S, Koch O, Mackintosh C, Dockrell D, Walsh T, Blyth K G, Church C, Schwarze J, Boz C, Valanciute A, Burgess M, Emanuel P, Mills B, Rinaldi G, Hardisty G, Mills R, Findlay EG, Jabbal S, Duncan A, Plant S, Marshal ADL, Young I, Russell K, Scholefield E, Nimmo AF, Nazarov IB, Churchill GC, McCullagh JSO, Ebrahimi KH, Ferrett C, Templeton K, Rannard S, Owen A, Moore A, Finlayson K, Shankar-Hari M, Norrie J, Parker RA, Akram AR, Anthony DC, Dear JW, Hirani N, Dhaliwal K.
Activated neutrophil fluorescent imaging technique for human lungs (2021).
Craven T H, Walton T, Akram A R, Scholefield E, Mcdonald N, Marshall A D L, Humphries D C, Mills B, Campbell T A, Bruce A, Mair J, Dear J W, Newby D E, Hill A T, Walsh T S, Haslett C, Dhaliwal K.
Molecular detection of Gram-positive bacteria in the human lung through an optical fiber–based endoscope (2020).
Mills B, Megia-Fernandez A, Norberg D, Duncan S, Marshall A, Akram AR, Quinn T, Young I, Bruce AM, Scholefield E, Williams GOS, Krstajić N, Choudhary TR, Parker HE, Tanner MG, Harrington K, Wood HAC, Birks TA, Knight JC, Haslett C, Birks TA, Knight JC, Haslett C, Dhaliwal K, Bradley M, Ucuncu M, Stone JM.
Enhanced avidity from a multivalent fluorescent antimicrobial peptide enables pathogen detection in a human lung model (2019).
Akram AR, Avlonitis N, Scholefield E, Vendrell M, McDonald N, Aslam T, Craven TH, Gray C, Collie DS, Fisher AJ.
Low-cost high sensitivity pulsed endomicroscopy to visualize tricolor optical signatures (2018).
Krstajić N, Mills B, Murray I, Marshall A, Norberg D, Craven TH, Emanuel P, Choudhary TR, Williams GOS, Scholefield E, Akram AR, Davie A, Hirani N, Bruce A, Moore A, Bradley M, Dhaliwal K.
Super-silent FRET sensor enables live cell imaging and flow cytometric stratification of intracellular serine protease activity in neutrophils (2018).
Craven TH, Avlonitis N, McDonald N, Walton T, Scholefield E, Akram AR, Walsh TS, Haslett C, Bradley M, Dhaliwal K.
Akram AR, Chankeshwara SV, Scholefield E, Aslam T, McDonald N, Megia-Fernandez A, Marshall A, Mills B, Avlonitis N, Craven TH, Smyth AM, Collie DS, Gray C, Hirani N, Hill AT, Govan JR, Walsh T, Haslett C, Bradley M, Dhaliwal K.
Cerebral Concussion Primes the Lungs for Subsequent Neutrophil-Mediated Injury (2018)
Humphries DC, O’Neill S, Scholefield E, Dorward DA, Mackinnon AC, Rossi AG, Haslett C, Andrews PJD, Rhodes J, Dhaliwal K
Dorward DA, Lucas CD, Doherty MK, Chapman GB, Scholefield E, Morris AC, Felton JM, Kipari T, Humphries D, Robb CT, Simpson AJ, Whitfield PD, Haslett C, Dhaliwal K, Rossi AG.
Optical Screening of Novel Bacteria-specific Probes on Ex Vivo Human Lung Tissue by Confocal Laser Endomicroscopy (2017).
Mills B, Akram AUH, Scholefield E, Bradley M, Dhaliwal K.
Time-resolved spectroscopy at 19,000 lines per second using a CMOS SPAD line array enables advanced biophotonics applications (2017).
A Kufcsák, A Erdogan, R Walker, K Ehrlich, M Tanner, A Megia-Fernandez, E Scholefield, P Emanuel, K Dhaliwal, M Bradley, R K Henderson, N Krstajić.
Two-color widefield fluorescence microendoscopy enables multiplexed molecular imaging in the alveolar space of human lung tissue (2016).
Krstajić N, Akram AR, Choudhary TR, McDonald N, Tanner MG, Pedretti E, Dalgarno PA, Scholefield E, Girkin JM, Moore A.
A labelled-ubiquicidin antimicrobial peptide for immediate in situ optical detection of live bacteria in human alveolar lung tissue (2015).
Akram AR, Avlonitis N, Lilienkampf A, Perez-Lopez AM, McDonald N, Chankeshwara SV, Scholefield E, Haslett C, Bradley M, Dhaliwal K.