Duncan Humphries

Research Fellow in Sensing for Human in vivo Pharmacology

Email: Duncan.Humphries@ed.ac.uk

Duncan completed his PhD under the supervision of Prof Kev Dhaliwal at the University of Edinburgh in 2015, investigating the mechanisms driving pulmonary inflammation following traumatic brain injury. As a postdoc he continued his research interests in the field of acute and chronic tissue injury & inflammation before joining Proteus in August 2019 to develop novel imaging technologies using the Human Ex Vivo Lung Perfusion (EVLP) model. In February 2020, Duncan started a new collaboration with a large Pharmaceutical company to develop innovative in situ sampling and imaging techniques to assess respiratory airway immunity.

Outside of work, Duncan is a keen musician and enjoys spending his time cooking, cycling, skiing and playing football and golf!


Specific in situ immuno-imaging of pulmonary-resident memory lymphocytes in human lungs (2023)

Humphries DC, O’Connor RA, Stewart HL, Quinn TM, Gaughan EE, Mills B, Williams GOS, Stone JM, Finlayson K,  Chabaud-Riou M, Boudet F, Dhaliwal K,  Pavot V.


Randomised Controlled Trial of Intravenous Nafamostat Mesylate in COVID-19 Pneumonitis (DEFINE): A Phase Ib/IIa Randomised Controlled Trial (2022).
Gaughan EE, Quinn TM, Mills A, Bruce A M, Antonelli J, Mackinnon A, Aslanis V, Li F, O’connor R, Boz C, Mills R, Emanuel P, Burgess M, Rinaldi G, Valanciute A, Mills B, Scholefield E, Hardisty G, Gwyer Findlay E, Parker R A, Norrie J, Dear JW, Akram AR, Koch O, Templeton K, Dockrell DH, Walsh TS, Partridge S, Humphries D, Wang-Jairaj J, Slack RJ, Schambye H, Phung D, Gravelle L, Lindmark B, Shankar-Hari M, Hirani N, Sethi T, Dhaliwal K.


Fast and robust single-exponential decay recovery from noisy fluorescence lifetime imaging (2022).
Taimori A, Humphries D, Williams G, Dhaliwal K, Finlayson N, Hopgood J R.


Activated neutrophil fluorescent imaging technique for human lungs (2021).
Craven T H, Walton T, Akram A R, Scholefield E, Mcdonald N, Marshall A D L, Humphries D C, Mills B, Campbell T A, Bruce A, Mair J, Dear J W, Newby D E, Hill A T, Walsh T S, Haslett C, Dhaliwal K.


Pulmonary-Resident Memory Lymphocytes: Pivotal Orchestrators of Local Immunity Against Respiratory Infections (2021)

Humphries DC, O’Connor RA, Larocque D, Chabaud-Riou M,  Dhaliwal K, Pavot V.


Hypoxia drives murine neutrophil protein scavenging to maintain central carbon metabolism (2021)

Watts ER, Howden AJM, Morrison T, Sadiku P, Hukelmann J, Kriegsheim AV,  Ghesquiere B, Murphy F,  Mirchandani AS, Humphries DC, Grecian R, Ryan EM, Coelho P, Blanco GR, Plant TM,  Dickinson RS, Finch A, Vermaelen W, Cantrell DA, Whyte MK, Walmsley SR.


Cerebral Concussion Primes the Lungs for Subsequent Neutrophil-Mediated Injury (2018)

Humphries DC,  O’Neill S, Scholefield E, Dorward DA, Mackinnon AC, Rossi AG,  Haslett C, Andrews PJD, Rhodes J, Dhaliwal K


Novel role for endogenous mitochondrial formylated peptide-driven formyl peptide receptor 1 signalling in acute respiratory distress syndrome (2017)

Dorward DA, Lucas CD, Doherty MK, Chapman GB,  Scholefield E, Morris AC, Felton JM, Kipari T,  Humphries D, Robb CT,  Simpson AJ, Whitfield PD, Haslett C, Dhaliwal K, Rossi AG.


Chemical Modulation of in Vivo Macrophage Function with Subpopulation-Specific Fluorescent Prodrug Conjugates (2017)

Fernandez A, Vermeren M, Humphries D, Subiros-Funosas R, Barth N, Campana L,  MacKinnon A, Feng Y, Vendrell M



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