Neil is a Research Fellow working in the CMOS Sensors and Systems Group, Institute for Integrated Micro and Nano Systems at the University of Edinburgh. Over a thirty-five year engineering and research career in industry and academia, he has led teams and worked on projects in biomedical sensing, optoelectronic systems, energy engineering, Internet services and software development. He has authored or co-authored over 60 peer-reviewed journal and conference papers.
Neil’s research is focused on the development of next-generation time-resolved Raman/ fluorescence lifetime imaging systems using CMOS SPAD sensors. He leads optical design, experimental characterisation and software development of simultaneous Raman/fluorescence imagers for biomedical applications. In his spare time Neil plays guitar, reads novels, and enjoys walks around Edinburgh and the Hebrides.
Fast and robust single-exponential decay recovery from noisy fluorescence lifetime imaging (2022).
Taimori A, Humphries D, Williams G, Dhaliwal K, Finlayson N, Hopgood J R.
Deep Learning-Assisted Co-registration of Full-Spectral Autofluorescence Lifetime Microscopic Images with H&E-Stained Histology Images (2022).
Wang Q, Fernandes S, Williams G, Finlayson N, Akram A R, Dhaliwal K, Hopgood J R, Vallejo M.
Full spectrum fluorescence lifetime imaging with 0.5 nm spectral and 50 ps temporal resolution (2021)
Williams GOS, Williams E, Finlayson N, Erdogan AT, Wang Q, Fernandes S, Akram AR, Dhaliwal K, Henderson RK, Girkin JM, Bradley M.
Fernandes S, Williams G, Williams E, Ehrlich K, Stone J, Finlayson N, Bradley M, Thomson RR, Akram AR, Dhaliwal K.
Deep Learning in ex-vivo Lung Cancer Discrimination using Fluorescence Lifetime Endomicroscopic Images (2020).
Wang Q, Hopgood JR, Finlayson N, Williams GO, Fernandes S, Williams E, Akram A, Dhaliwal K, Vallejo M.