Katjana is a Research Associate responsible for the development of optical instruments and aiding their translation into clinics. In her current project, she is focussing on developing fibre-based optical imaging and spectroscopy techniques in proof-of-concept applications, early stage ex vivo models and clinical trials. Her work is aided by being a member of a highly interdisciplinary team, and working directly with clinicians, chemists, biologists and engineers to develop practical applications for healthcare.
Katjana comes from a background in optical physics – with a Diploma in Physics from the University of Potsdam in collaboration with InnoFSPEC and the Leibniz Institute for Astrophysics Potsdam (AIP) on characterising photonic lanterns and bespoke optical fibres for applications in astronomy. She completed her PhD in Physics at Heriot-Watt University in the Photonic Instrumentation group of Professor Robert Thomson within the Proteus project. Her PhD focussed on fibre-based sensing of bacteria and physiological parameters such as pH in the distal end of the lung through time-resolved single-photon spectroscopy. The project was aided by exploiting advanced integrated silicon CMOS single photon detector arrays for fluorescence lifetime and Raman spectroscopy.
Computational Fluorescence Suppression in Shifted Excitation Raman Spectroscopy (2023).
Jenkins N, Ehrlich K, Kufcsak A, Yerolatsitis S, Fernandes S, Young I, Hamilton K, Wood HA, Quinn T, Young V, Akram AR, Stone JM, Thomson RR, Finlayson K, Dhaliwal K, Seth S.
Simultaneous Spectral Temporal Modelling for a Time-Resolved Fluorescence Emission Spectrum (2023)
Adams AC, Kufcsak A, Ehrlich K, Dhaliwal K, Seth S.
Tri-mode optical biopsy probe with fluorescence endomicroscopy, Raman spectroscopy, and time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy (2022).
Wood HA, Ehrlich K, Yerolatsitis S, Kufcsák A, Quinn TM, Fernandes S, Norberg D, Jenkins NC, Young V, Young I, Hamilton K, Seth S, Akram AR,Thomson RR, Finlayson K, Dhaliwal K, Stone JM.
Sub millimetre flexible fibre probe for background and fluorescence free Raman spectroscopy (2021).
Yerolatsitis S, Kufcsák A, Ehrlich K, Wood HA, Fernandes S, Quinn T, Young V, Young I, Hamilton K, Akram AR
Fernandes S, Williams G, Williams E, Ehrlich K, Stone J, Finlayson N, Bradley M, Thomson RR, Akram AR, Dhaliwal K.
Ehrlich K, Parker HE, McNicholl DK, Reid P, Reynolds M, Bussiere V, Crawford G, Deighan A, Garrett A, Kufcsák A, Norberg DR, Spennati G, Steele G, Szoor-McElhinney H, Jimenez M.
Frugal filtering optical lenses for point-of-care diagnostics (2020)
Long J, Parker HE, Ehrlich K, Tanner MG, Dhaliwal K, Mills B.
Time-Resolved Spectroscopy of Fluorescence Quenching in Optical Fibre-Based pH Sensors (2020)
Ehrlich K, Choudhary TR, Ucuncu M, Megia-Fernandez A, Harrington K, Wood HAC, Yu F, Choudhury D, Dhaliwal K, Bradley M, Tanner MG.
pH sensing through a single optical fibre using SERS and CMOS SPAD line arrays (2017)
K Ehrlich, A Kufcsák, S McAughtrie, H Fleming, N Krstajic, C J Campbell, R K Henderson, K Dhaliwal, R R Thomson, M G Tanner.
Time-resolved spectroscopy at 19,000 lines per second using a CMOS SPAD line array enables advanced biophotonics applications (2017).
A Kufcsák, A Erdogan, R Walker, K Ehrlich, M Tanner, A Megia-Fernandez, E Scholefield, P Emanuel, K Dhaliwal, M Bradley, R K Henderson, N Krstajić.